Helix Brit Match - Elevation-inspired "Graves into Gardens" album preset

Helix Brit Match - Elevation-inspired "Graves into Gardens" album preset


Southern Rock! This preset has a Matchless DC30 and Marshall 50w Plexi in stereo for some massive southern rock tones, plus my 15ms delay trick for a huge stereo image.


  1. Dotted 8th delay

  2. Single Coil / Humbucker footswitch. LED Off is for single coils, LED on is for humbuckers

  3. 1/8th note delay

  4. Tremolo on/off

  5. Toggles the tremolo between two different settings: slow sine, fast square

  6. MODE

  7. Post-amp Clean Boost

  8. Amp drive up/down

  9. “More” - transparent overdrive

  10. Klon

  11. Glitz -/+ - toggles the mix+decay up/down for two different reverb “presets.”

Snapshots set up for the song “Rattle”:

  1. Pedalboard - cleanish sound, use for the clean parts of “Rattle!” and other tunes

  2. Crunch - prechoruses

  3. Crunchier - choruses

  4. Clean Pad - cleaner volume swells

  5. Crunch Pad - crunchier volume swells

  6. Slow Trem

  7. Fast Trem

  8. Unused

Important note for users running mono: Bypass or delete the delay on path 1B in order to avoid phase cancellation when the two stereo amps are summed to mono.

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