Helix Princeton + 4 Custom 1966 Princeton IRs
Helix Princeton + 4 Custom 1966 Princeton IRs
New for Helix firmware 3.0, classic Princeton Reverb tones! This download is a zip file that comes with a preset meant for single coils, one meant for humbuckers, and four custom IRs I made from a 1966 Blackface Princeton 10” speaker cabinet. The preset uses IRs A and B by default but feel free to mix and match with the other two IRs. You’ll need to unzip the zip file, and update BOTH your Helix AND HX Edit to at least firmware 3.0 before importing the files, otherwise you will get an error when importing.
Dotted 8th Delay
1/8th note Delay
Helix’s MODE switch
Post-amp clean boost
Amp drive up/down (gain stage 1)
Prince of Tone (gain stage 2)
TS808 (gain stage 3)
Spring reverb mix+decay up/down
Snapshots in this preset are designed to give you a small sample of the wide variety of tones you can create using the different stomps in stomp mode.
Clean Dry
Crunch Dry
Crunch +
Clean Trem
Crunch Flanger
VCR - Clean chorus+reverb+delay tones
Important note for users running mono: Bypass or delete the delay on path 1B in order to avoid phase cancellation when the stereo image is summed to mono.