Axe-FX III - BritTB - Rattle!

Axe-FX III - BritTB - Rattle!


This preset seeks to recreate the guitar tones on the most recent Elevation record with a Marshall 1987x and Top Boost AC30 in stereo.


This preset comes with 11 per-preset footswitch overrides on Layout 8:

  1. Amp Drive up/down

  2. Prince of Tone

  3. Clean Boost

  4. Reverb mix+decay up/down

  5. Toggles the Tremolo between slow and fast

  6. Tremolo on/off

  7. Single Coil / Humbucker switch. LED off is for single coils, LED on is for humbuckers

  8. 1/4 note DM-2 analog delay

  9. 1/8th note tape delay

  10. Dotted 8th note tape delay

  11. Toggles between Plate and Cloud Reverb sounds (in conjunction with footswitch 4 this gives you a total of 4 instantly-accessible reverb “presets”


  1. Pedalboard - I recommend you spend most of your time on this scene and footswitch layout 8, unless you want to create scenes to fit your workflow

  2. Clean Fingerpicking

  3. Crunch

  4. Crunch+

  5. Lead

  6. Unused

  7. Unused

  8. Swells

Setup Notes:

The input is set to Input 1, the output is set to output 1.

This preset is configured to work with the Fractal FC12 controller, but all the important gain staging footswitches will be present on the FC6 as well. I use footswitch 12 (the top right footswitch on the FC12) to toggle between Layouts 7 and 8. Layout 7 has all my scenes, plus a tap tempo / tuner switch, Layout 8 functions as my “pedalboard” in all my presets.

Mono users: This preset has a massive stereo image but is mono-compatible. In order to get the sound of both amps to FOH, in your global settings navigate to I/O > Audio Tab > “Output 1 Configuration” > Mode, and set it to “SUM L+R”. When running mono with SUM L+R, I recommend disabling the enhancer block.

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